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Inspiring Students

Chronic stress can have serious long-term consequences on health. This is why at TLP we aim to teach students the benefit of FAILURE (FAIL is the First Attempt at Learning)
This will normalise making errors and learning through mistakes. After all, teachers would be out of a job if students knew everything!!!

If you’ve been researching exactly what skill you want to learn, or if you just need one more skill to round out your resume Whether fully virtua.

Our Methodology

TLP was inspired by UNCOMMON SENSE TEACHING – Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn a book by three leading professors:

  • 1. Barbara Oakley – Oakland University
  • 2. Beth Rogowsky – Bloomsburg University, Pennsylvania
  • 3. Terrence J. Segnnowski – Franics Crick Professor at the Salk Institute


TLP aims to combine both teacher and student directed learning methods to enhance progress. Our method is to Learn It then Link It or LILI.

  • >> Learn It = “I do, we do”. In this stage both teachers and TLP volunteers aim to use TLP FODE-based content (Videos and OneNote). Teachers provide feedback.
  • >> Link It = “You do”. In this stage students are given greater independence and responsibility for using the tools provided to further their learning.

LILI Step:

1. Present new material in small steps.

2. Provide an open environment for students to ask questions

3. Provide a high level of active practice with examples

4. Guide students as they practice by thinking steps aloud

5. Providing models of worked-out problems

6. Asking students to explain what they have learnt

7. Provide systematic feedback in collaboration with teachers

8. Prepare students for independent practice and study

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TLP’s vision is of a Papua New Guinea (PNG) where students regardless of geography, gender, or financial status can have the confidence, support, and resources necessary, not just to survive, but to thrive in high-school and beyond.

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TLP’s mission is to provide free educational resources and in-person tutoring based on the Flexible and Open Distance Education (FODE), Queensland ATAR, and International Baccalaureate Curriculum Syllabuses. We hope to collaborate with key stakeholders: schools, teachers, and students in tandem with donors to create a simple, modest, and yet effective solution to PNG’s growing skills and development gap.

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