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Employment in PNG


Explain the nature and operation of government macro-economic policy and evaluate its effectiveness in achieving
the macro-economic objectives of Papua New Guinea.

Course Overview

Identify the range of macro-economic issues currently impacting on the economy of Papua New Guinea and link appropriate
macro-economic management strategies to those issues.

Topic 5 Goals

  • 1. Differentiate between labour force and workforce
  • 2. Identify the factors affecting the labour force
  • 3. Describe the rate of employment between the formal and informal sectors
  • 4. Differentiate between unemployment and underemployment
  • 5. Identify and explain the effects of unemployment
  • 6. Identify ways in which the government can lower unemployment

Course Content

6 Lessons 6h 40m

    Key Definitions:

    Labour Force (working population): the total number of people, over the age of 15 currently employed and or unemployed but actively engaged in seeking a job

    Labour Productivity: a focus on the relationship between the labour resources used in a production process and the output achieved (output/labour hour)

    Workforce: people who are employed and working for a particular industry, firm, or an organisation

    What are the factors affecting the size of the labour force?

    • 1. The size of the population
    • 2. The working age population
    • 3. The labour force participation rate
    • 4. Average time spent in school for studies

    What are the parts of the population not included in the labour force?

    • 1. Fulltime students and homeworkers
    • 2. Retirees
    • 3. Sporting groups
    • 4. People with special needs (disabled)

    Labour force: the total number of people, over the age of 15 currently employed and or unemployed but actively engaged in seeking a job

    Workforce: people who are willing and able to work and are employed/working for an industry, firm, or an organisation

    Employment: situation when a person is engaged in a regular paid job

    Papua New Guinea has two sectors in the economy:

    • o The formal sector: comprises of businesses and the government where people are engaged in formal employment and earning regular income
    • o The informal sector: comprises self-employed people on irregular incomes and employment
    • o The formal sector: comprises of businesses and the government where people are engaged in formal employment and earning regular income
    • o The informal sector: comprises self-employed people on irregular incomes and employment
    • Unemployment: situation where people are able and willing to work but cannot find gainful employment or a paid job
    • Underemployment: being in either a full-time or part-time job but on reduced work hours due to economic reasons; or being employed in a job that is inadequate with respect to the individual’s current qualification, skills, and/or training.
    • Types of unemployment include frictional, cyclical, structural, seasonal, and hare-core
    • Effects of unemployment: lost output & income, reduced taxation, human resource depreciation, growing poverty & inequality, and increase social problems
    • Ways in which the government can lower unemployment:

    • o Increase government spending (welfare)
    • o Accept higher inflation rate
    • o Credit schemes at lower interest rates
    • o Support small farming and business through financial assistance

    Economic system: the organisational and institutional pattern through which choices are made about which wants to satisfy, and how to allocate resources to do this

    An economic system must coordinate individual’s wants/needs. It must allocate resources efficiently to solve the problems of:

    • What do we produce? Identifying which combination of goods should be produced at which points of the PPC.
    • How much do we produce? Identifying the level of output
    • How do we produce it? Identifying which resources (factors of production) should be used to produce goods/services
    • Who do we produce it for? Identifying who should benefit from the goods/services produced