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Identify the range of macro-economic issues currently impacting on the economy of Papua New Guinea and link appropriate
macro-economic management strategies to those issues

Course Overview

Identify the range of macro-economic issues currently impacting on the economy of Papua New Guinea and link appropriate
macro-economic management strategies to those issues.

Topic 6 Goals

  • Define inflation
  • List types of inflation and explain their causes
  • Explain the effects of inflation on the economy
  • Measure inflation and propose policies to control inflation in the economy
  • Apply and evaluate inflation in Papua New Guinea

Course Content

6 Lessons 6h 40m

    Inflation: the sustained increase in the general level of prices over a period (usually one year), measured by an increase in the consumer price index (CPI)

    Inflation expectations: the opinion that households and firms have of the future rate of inflation

    Inflation rate: the % change in prices over time, usually one year

    What are the Three types of Inflation:

    1. Demand-Pull Inflation: inflation that results from excessive demand

    2. Cost-Push Inflation: inflation that results from rising production costs

    3. Imported Inflation: inflation that results from an increase in the price of imports

    Inflation:reduces the purchasing power of money and reduces living standards. The value of money decreases as inflation rises.

    Who suffers because of inflation?

    • 1. People on fixed income
    • 2. People who save money
    • 3. Creditors
    • 4. Wage earners
    • 5. Producers

    Who gains because of inflation?

    • 1. Those who have stock of goods
    • 2. Debtors
    • 3. Shareholders
    • 4. Government

    What are the other impacts of inflation

    • 1. Reduced confidence in currency
    • 2. Redistribution of income
    • 3. Investment uncertainty
    • 4.Bracket creep

    Inflation is measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) – a measure used to show changes in the average price of goods/services over time.

    How is CPI calculated?

    • 1. A basket (wide range) of goods/services is selected
    • 2. A weighting is given to each item (reflects the proportion of income spent on the item)
    • 3. Calculating weighted price (multiply the weighting by the price of the item). Give a base value of 100 units in the start year
    • 4. Repeat steps 1-3 in the next period
    • 5. Calculate new index number – divide the total weighted price in the current year by the base year and multiply by 100

    • Calculating Real Value of Money:

    • • Real value of money refers to the purchasing power or the amount of goods/services that can be bought
    • • Decreasing real value of money means decreasing purchasing power or the amount of goods/services that can be bought with money

    What are the policies to control inflation?

    Price control: setting/fixing maximum prices or setting limits for price rises/control the increase in prices of goods/services

    Wage control: minimise increase in minimum wage and does not allow excessive wage increases

    Wage freeze: government placing a temporary ban on wage increases if the economy is experiencing high inflation

    Fiscal policy: pass surplus budget to reduce government expenditure which reduces money supply and controls inflation

    Tight/restrictive monetary policy: raising interest rates and decreasing lending, selling government securities on the open market operation, increase LGS ratio - all of which reduce money supply in the economy (contracting the economy) and controlling inflation

    Inflation: long term general increase in the average price level of goods/services; it is measured using CPI (Consumer Price Index)

    The three types of inflation are imported inflation, demand-pull inflation, and cost-push inflation

      Phillip’s curve illustrates the relationship between inflation and unemployment
    • o Imported inflation: caused by higher cost of imports
    • o Demand -pull inflation: caused by increased demand
    • o Cost-push inflation: caused by increased prices of factors of production